Monday, April 11, 2011

Need Olympic Games Ticket Information?

Are you looking for information on the London 2012 Olympic Games or tickets to the games? Then call the London Olympics 2012 Ticket Information service on:
…Actually please don’t!
Their grey small-print ad declares that calls cost £1.02 per minute and rightly (but pretty much illegibility) claims “this service is not connected with the website.” It also says “this information service is provided as is and is without any warranty or guarantee to its accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose.” If that’s true, then why bother?
I have always had an ethical issue with premium-rate information lines profiteering from otherwise free and high-quality information resources. Official information regarding 2012 ticketing is available via It’s a great site and the only one you’ll need and clearly links to the ticketing subsite at The legitimate site even has a page that documents a heap of scams they’ve seen already! Clearly scammers and cybercriminals will continue to use sporting events as a lure to relieve people of their money. Stay informed. Stay updated. Stay safe.
- Post by Chris Barton, McAffe