Cisco did very well. We again made both the CDLI and CPLI (Carbon Disclosure/Performance Leadership Index). Cisco had the top disclosure score in the Information Technology sector. In 2009 and 2010, we were #1 and #2, respectively, so we’re maintaining our focus. In general the IT sector seems well engaged on carbon reporting, judging by participation rates—95% of Global 500, IT-sector companies responded to the CDP survey (38 of 40). That’s a higher percentage than any other sector.
Congratulations as well to SAP and Sony for rounding out the top three in the IT sector. I was in one of the Cisco TelePresence rooms with Peter Graf, SAP’s CSO, and got to give him the good news!
The event used Cisco TelePresence units at nine locations, shown below:
CDP Launch Cisco TelePresence locations
- corporations (IT, banking, retail, chemicals)
- environmental advocacy
- investor
- United Nations FCCC
- government
As I watched, I pondered Marshall McLuhan, the medium (Cisco TelePresence) and the message (from those 18 people scattered about the world). With deft facilitation by Paul Dickinson (CDP Executive Chairman), we were treated to many speakers, many different perspectives, but each delivered quickly and with compelling intimacy. Going forward, is this how progress is going to be made on intractable problems? Through this portal—”metaphorical table” as one speaker called it—will we be able to assemble the critical mass in terms of knowledge, geography and function to move the needle on a low-carbon economy?
Watch the recorded broadcast (direct Ustream, CDP website) and let us know what you think. (The streaming quality is fantastic; I watched afterward full-screen on a 27″ iMac and was mesmerized.)
Let’s move from the macro to the micro, from big ideas to individual responsibility and action.
Hats off to CDP for taking a risk and changing how they do business, choosing to walk the low-carbon talk. I’m sure CDP’s annual global launch is very important for their organization and its mission. In past years, CDP held an in-person event in New York City to coincide with UN opening week and CGI. (Cue the airplanes.) Last year, CDP began the transition to virtual, adding a Cisco TelePresence unit on stage that connected the auditorium to locations on five continents. This year, CDP made the leap to all virtual, and provided a wonderful example of bringing together a far-flung and unique group to share views on a very difficult problem. And none of these executives and leaders spent days and flew many thousands of miles for this discussion.
The technology exists, it works and it’s cost effective. It takes effort to change, but the upside is intriguing. Climate change is a global problem, but the solution will be built from billions of people making thousands of individual decisions. Everyone trying new ways to live, work, play and learn. So each day, think about your decisions and how you can lead the way.
By: Darrel Stickler